Finance Department


The City of South Lebanon is committed to a high level of fiscal responsibility and to providing timely, quality, courteous and useful information to City officials and residents.

Annual Financial Reports

Each year the City issues an annual financial report.  This report represents and reflects upon the city’s financial operations and condition to the city’s residents, its elected officials, management personnel, financial institutions, city bondholders, rating agencies and all other parties interested in the financial affairs of the city.

The State of Ohio requires an annual or biannual audit of the financial report by either the Auditor of the State or by an independent accounting firm.

For year ended 2021, the city issued their first annual financial report in accordance with General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).  GAAP financial statements are prepared on an accrual basis of accounting and produces more comprehensive financial statements that readers can use to better analyze the city’s financial position.

The most recent audited annual financial report of the City of South Lebanon is for fiscal year ended December 31, 2023.


Past reports can be found below.

Annual Operating Budget

The annual budget is the City’s primary fiscal planning document.  Its purpose is to provide sound fiscal administration to meet the needs of the City’s residents and businesses while recognizing the constraints of available revenues.



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